English Books
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Abd Al-Masih
The author discusses some thoughts which are closely related to salvation, such as: What is the aim of your life? God is your measure! Confess your sins to God, salvation, have you accepted the salvation prepared for you? Salvation gives you a new life, and many other thoughts.
Iskander Jadeed
From the series "Answers to Every Question", the author rejects and refutes the beliefs of those who suspect God's existence, or disbelieve in Him. The author depends in his research on evidences from: harmony in nature, philosophy, revelation, instinct, and conscience. He also depends on: the Bible, the testimonies of scientists and the people of knowledge, to show the reasonableness of the belief in God.
Iskander Jadeed
This booklet answers most of the questions about prayer from the Christian standpoint. The author discusses the following points in relation to prayer: definition, how to pray?, performance, place, conditions, secret of prevailing prayer, guider,advocate, times, and other basic elements.
Menes Abdul Noor
This book is an exposition of 1 Corinthians: 13."The writer compares the contemporary situation of the church today and the 1st. century Corinthian church." Then he meditates on the virtues of love in an explicatory way, and divides this chapter into three sections: 1- The Importance of Love (verses 1-3) 2- The Attributes of Love (verses 4-7) 3- The perpetuity of Love (verses 8-13). "The great example of love is Christ, Who is Himself love incarnate. If you read the descriptions of love in this chapter and substitute "Christ" for the word "love", you will find the meaning clear and true."
Menes Abdul Noor
We like to draw the attention of our dear reader to read the valuable introduction, which comes in the first volume, because it gives in a precise way, everything a person would like to know about the Psalms such as: meaning, the writers of the Psalters, the divisions of the Psalters, psalms for special occasions, psalms invoking God's judgement, the numbering of the psalms, the headings of the psalms, meaning of some repeated words and expressions in the psalms, the Gospel in the psalms, Christ in the psalms, fellowship with God in the psalms, salvation from sin, and eternal life in the psalms. Also, we kindly ask the reader to meditate on the hidden meanings revealed by the items in every volume. The author meditates in Volume 1 on the following subjects: two kinds of people, the clay plot, the lifter of my head, who will show us any good?, surrounded with favour, I make my bed swim with tears, my defence is of God, crowned with glory, you have maintained my right, and why do you stand afar off?
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following themes: if the foundations are destroyed, has the godly man ceased?, how long will you forget me?, they have all turned aside, who may abide in your Tabernacle?, in your presence is fullness of joy, your eyes look on things that are upright, I will love you, O Lord, God reveals himself, and a prayer of victory for the king.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following items: thanks for triumph, prophecies of the cross and resurrection, the psalm of the shepherd, the coming of the King of glory, a complaint to the divine court, the Lord is my light and my salvation, a prayer, the voice of the Lord, and those who were mourning now dance.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following subjects: he has shown his marvellous kindness, repentance, a call for praise, his praise shall be continually in my mouth, they have dug without cause for my life, man's wickedness and God's goodness, do not envy the wicked, difficulties lead to repentance, because it was you who did it, and I delight to do your will.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on: the generous benefactor, thirst for God, the God of the past, the present and the future, a song of love, God is refuge and strenght, God has gone up with shouting, as we have heard, so we have seen, advice to foolish rich folk, and hear, o my people, and I will speak.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following points: against you, you only, have I sinned, the goodness of God endures forever, they have all turned aside, strangers have risen up against me, oh, that I had wings, there are many who fight against me, untill these calamaties have passed by, surely he is God who judges in the earth, they gather against me, not for my transgression!, and a banner to be displayed because of the truth.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on: the rock that is higher than I, my trust is in God alone, my soul thirsts for you, a complaint to divine justice, a song of praise for the harvest, what he has done for my soul, believers are a blessing to the world, victory in the past and in the future, a cry in the midst of persecution, and an urgent plea.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following topics: the testimony of a goodly elder, the kingdom of the Messiah, astonishment at the prosperity of the wicked, why does your anger smoke?, when I choose the proper time, God's saving power, you guided your people, God's faithfulness despite his people's unfaithfulness, and a petition for the removal of anger.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following items: return, o Lord, and restore us, a call to celebrate, orders to the rulers and judges, a cry for help against the alliance of the wicked, longing for the courts of the Lord, mercy and truth have met togehter, unite my heart to fear your name, the city of God, I am shut up, and cannot get out, the mercies of the Lord, and a prayer of Moses the man of God.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on: he who dwells in the secret place of the most high, an invitation to praise the day of the Lord, the Lord shall reign, a call for justice, a call for worship, a call to glorify God, light is shown for the righteous, my soul magnifies the Lord, he is holy, and a repeated call for praise.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following subjects: the righteous and just king, a prayer of an afflicted man when he is faint, bless the Lord, o my soul, praising the God of creation, the covenant as the Lord keeps it, the covenant as man keeps it, the song of the redeemed, the song of the triumphant, another takes his place, and Christ the priest king.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following subjects: The Lord's goodness, the goodness of the one who fears the Lord, from the rising of the sun to its setting, the exodus that moved the nature, not to us, what shall I render to the Lord?, praise the Lord, all nations, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, the love alphabet to God, and from a distant land.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following subjects: The Lord who keeps you, gladness in the house of the Lord, have mercy on us, if it had been not the Lord, the Lord surrounds His people, joy comes after tears, family worship-1, family worship-2, “From my youth”, and a psalm of repentance.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following subjects: The humble soul, David’s vow and the Lord’ covenant, the unity of the spirit, a talk between the celebrants and the watchmen, you who fear the Lord, bless the Lord! , His mercy knows no end! , weeping at the rivers of Babylon, You made me bold, divine perfection, and deliver me from evil men.
Menes Abdul Noor
The author meditates on the following subjects: Keep watch over the door of my lips, bring my soul out of prison, do not enter into judgment with your servant, blessed be the Lord my rock, I will praise your name forever, praising the only help, it is pleasant and fitting to praise, praise Him in the heights above, He crowns the humble with salvation, and everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Menes Abdul Noor
This book contains explicatory sermons on Jesus' 28 miracles as recorded in the Gospel. "The miracles of Jesus Christ reveal His power and His Love." The author meditates on Jesus' miracles and concentrates his thoughts on the following three points: "1- The person in need of the miracle. 2- Those who saw the miracle, whether believers or non-believers. 3- Then the author asks us to meditate upon the person of Jesus who performed the wonders. As we meditate upon Christ we want to thank Him, live closer to Him and follow Him in love. This is the wish and prayer of the author for himself and for his readers."
Abd Al-Masih
The author discusses some thoughts about Jesus being the light of the world, and that Christ is God’s wonderful light which has come to our earth to illuminate all people. This booklet is summarized in the following articles: The Sun of Righteousness shines on you, Rise to welcome the light, The Divine light has shone, The Light Shines in the Darkness, Darkness Hates the Light, The Light overcomes the Darkness and much more.
Menes Abdul Noor
This is an exposition of Galatians 5:22-23. "The author explains how Christ changes a person and enables him to produce love, joy, and peace in his relationship with God; patience, kindness, and goodness in his relationship with mankind; and faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in his personal life." The author meditates on the following points: the Christian life is a new life, the Christian life is to be lived under the control of the Holy Spirit, and the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit
George Ford
We find in this part a detailed explanation concerning the personality and genealogy of Jesus Christ, the announcement of the good news concerning His unique birth and its important results, especially that Jesus came to save human beings from sin. In addition to this, we find an explanation of Christ's childhood and His growth in body, spirit and wisdom till the beginning of His service.
George Ford
The author mentioned the temptations that Jesus was confronted with from the devil, and His victory over him. Also he mentioned some of the miracles that Jesus did, in addititon to the calling of four disciples and some of Jesus' teachings.
George Ford
This part focusses on the most important teachings of Jesus, such as the sermon on the mount which covers all parts of life, emphasising on the law of love and forgiveness. It also discusses some of His miracles and the choosing of His disciples.
George Ford
The author mentioned in this part some of Jesus' teachings and parables, emphasising on what these symbolize in the life of people, especially the parables. In addition to this, he mentioned some of the miracles that Jesus did and the sending of His twelve disciples to preach the Good News to the gentiles.
George Ford
This part contains an exact and precise discussion concerning the following points: The essence of Christ's personality, the testimony of heaven to Him, His authority, and His appearance on the mount of transfiguration in His heavenly glory. It also discusses the conditions for following Jesus and how to avoid stumbling blocks. Some of Christ's teachings and miracles are mentioned too.
George Ford
The author mentioned in this part Christ's encounters and discourses. When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem as a King, He cleansed the temple and answered the Jewish Elders in regard to His authority and essence. Jesus mourned over the fate of the city and prophesied about its destruction and future events too. Christ foretold the disciples about His crucifixion and encouraged them, especially Peter, and instituted the Holy Communion.
George Ford
The author mentioned in this last part of the book the following points: The arrest of Christ, and his trial by Jewish Elders, High Priests and by the Roman Governor. He also mentioned Christ's crucifixion, death, resurrection, the Post-resurrectional Appearnces of Christ and His Ascension to heaven.
Abd Al-Masih
The author explains, in a brief question form directed to the reader, some of Christ's basic attributes, such as: His miraculous birth, his innocence, his teachings, his power, his sufferings, his victory over death, his ascension, his second coming, his names and titles. The author asks the reader about his reaction towards Christ's call.
Iskander Jadeed
The author explains in simple question and answer form the way of salvation from sin, and how to live a life of righteousness and purity. Salvation from sin "has occupied God's mind from the very beginning'', and for this reason " He 'God' gave His one and only Son", Jesus Christ, to redeem us from the sin. The author depends in his explanation on many Biblical verses